TC15 - Dry Block Temperature Calibrator -40/150°C (from ambient)
Portable temperature calibrators for offshore rigs, ships, calibration labs, factories and workshops and more applications with 3 year caiibration interval.
Touch display with new graphical user interface
Saves cost with a 3 year calibration interval
High accuracy and stability
Light weight and compact
DNV Approved
Temperature Range -40/150°C (from ambient)
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy (1 year) ± 0.3°C
Accuracy (3 years) ± 1.2°C
Stability ± 0.05°C
Heating time to max 50 Minutes
Cooling Time 20 Minutes (150°C to -40°C)
Well size 110x19mm Ø
Weight ± 5.5 kgs