Smart RTD Temperature Transmitter. PT100, Pt500 & PT1000 inputs. Range -100~600°C. Accuracy ±0.2°C at 25°C. Power supply 9.5V ~ 36C DC. Output 0 ~ 24mA.
Manufacturer: Simex
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SPT-61 Smart RTD ProgrammableTemperature Transmitter


For converting temperature readings of RTD's (Pt100, PT500 & PT1000) to 4-20mA Signals


- Powered directly from current loop
- Full linearisation of the input
- Signal peak value detection
- Alarm diode informing when the measuring range is exceeded
- Programmed with S-Config software
- Very thin DIN housing - only 6.1 mm

SPT-61 Smart RTD ProgrammableTemperature Transmitter


For converting temperature readings of RTD's (Pt100, PT500 & PT1000) to 4-20mA Signals


- Powered directly from current loop
- Full linearisation of the input
- Signal peak value detection
- Alarm diode informing when the measuring range is exceeded
- Programmed with S-Config software
- Very thin DIN housing - only 6.1 mm