RFC1000-CE Wireless RF Reciever and Repeater
MadgeTech’s new RFC1000-CE is a powerful wireless receiver for use with the RFOT, Therm•A•lert and RF2000A Series of data loggers and is CE approved for the European market. The RFC1000-CE transmits to other RFC1000-CEs up to 760m (2500 feet) outdoors/line of sight, 213m (700 feet) typical indoors/urban. The RFC1000-CE transmits to data loggers up to 610m (2000 feet) outdoors/line of sight, 152m(500 feet) typical indoors/urban. Additional RFC1000-CEs can be used as repeaters to transmit greater distances.
- General Wireless Data Logging
- Meat Cooking and Cooling
- Meat Storage
- Smoke Houses
- Food Processing
- Medical Storage
- Laboratory Monitoring
- Blood Banks
- Hospitals
- Warehouses
- Functions as both a Repeater and a Receiver
- Green and Red LED Indicators
- Compatible with MadgeTech’s RFOT and Therm•A•lert Systems