13/744/2 Brannan Spirit filled Whirling Hygrometers use wet & dry bulb readings to determine the % RH (Relative Humidity). Temperature Range is -5/50°C, Accuracy ± 1°C`
SKU: 13/744/2
Manufacturer: Brannan
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13/744/2  Whirling Hygrometer


A whirling hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the moisture content in the atmosphere. Humidity measurement instruments usually rely on measurements of some other quantity such as temperature, pressure, mass, mechanical, or electrical change in a substance as moisture absorbed. 


Product Specification

- Temperature Range: -5 to +50°C
- Divisions: 0.5°C
- Accuracy: +/-1°C
- CE: N/A
- Hazard Information (SDS): See www.brannan.co.uk for information
- Tube Filling: Spirit
- Product Weight: Glass Tubes - 2 x 3g
- Unpackaged Hygrometer - 206g
- Chart - 4g
- Bag - 30g
- Packaged - 288g
- Product Dimensions : Packaged - 90 x 242 x 31mm
- Unpackaged (closed handle) - 82 x 232 x 30mm
- Display Box Weight: 48g
- Display Box Dimensions: 90 x 242 x 31mm



13/744/2  Whirling Hygrometer


A whirling hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the moisture content in the atmosphere. Humidity measurement instruments usually rely on measurements of some other quantity such as temperature, pressure, mass, mechanical, or electrical change in a substance as moisture absorbed. 


Product Specification

- Temperature Range: -5 to +50°C
- Divisions: 0.5°C
- Accuracy: +/-1°C
- CE: N/A
- Hazard Information (SDS): See www.brannan.co.uk for information
- Tube Filling: Spirit
- Product Weight: Glass Tubes - 2 x 3g
- Unpackaged Hygrometer - 206g
- Chart - 4g
- Bag - 30g
- Packaged - 288g
- Product Dimensions : Packaged - 90 x 242 x 31mm
- Unpackaged (closed handle) - 82 x 232 x 30mm
- Display Box Weight: 48g
- Display Box Dimensions: 90 x 242 x 31mm